Research And Development
Research-Backed Solutions: How We're Continuously Improving and Advancing Our Strategies
At Carbon Less Future, we're committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible and developing innovative solutions for a more sustainable future. Our research efforts focus on exploring new ideas and materials, testing and refining our existing technologies, and collaborating with industry leaders and academic experts.
Carbon Dynamics in Afforested Spruce Stands
We're exploring the carbon dynamics in successional and afforested spruce stands in Thuringia and the Alps, with a focus on identifying best practices for promoting healthy soils and maximizing carbon sequestration potential. Our research aims to understand the impact of different bedrocks and growing methods on carbon stocks, and to develop strategies for achieving sustainable afforestation.
Carbon Sequestration: Tree Longevity vs Growth Rate
Tree longevity, not growth rate, is the key to carbon storage in forests, according to Christian Körner's research. Carbon sequestration aims to mitigate the greenhouse effect, but faster tree growth only leads to transitory carbon storage. For a forest to continue increasing its carbon pool, tree demography must shift toward a greater abundance of older age classes. Protecting old-growth forests is the best way to retain the benefits of carbon-rich storage.
Post-logging tropical forests as persistent net carbon sources
Tropical forests that have been logged and structurally degraded are often assumed to be a net carbon sink due to rapid tree regrowth. However, recent research in Malaysian Borneo found that logged forests are actually a significant and persistent net carbon source to the atmosphere, with carbon losses from soil organic matter and deadwood outweighing woody biomass gains. This contradicts the default assumption that recovering logged forests are net carbon sinks and suggests that estimates of carbon sequestration in tropical forests may be overestimated.
Investigative report reveals worthlessness of rainforest carbon offsets
An investigation into the world's largest carbon standard for the $2bn voluntary offsets market, Verra, has found that more than 90% of rainforest offset credits are likely "phantom credits" that do not represent genuine carbon reductions. Among the most commonly used credits by companies, the findings call into question claims made by internationally-renowned corporations, including Disney, Shell, and Gucci, that their products are "carbon neutral". The nine-month investigation by the Guardian, German weekly Die Zeit, and SourceMaterial raises concerns over the effectiveness of offsets and the impact on net-zero strategies.